Technology Vision Statement
The goal of the Technology Program at Grace Church School is to support the school’s mission. As such, the intellectual, social, and emotional development of our students lies at the heart of all decisions. We want our students to experience the unique ways technology can expand the reach of their intellect, broaden the scope of their perspective, facilitate the expression of their ideas, and empower them to design effective solutions to real-world problems. We seek to equip students with the knowledge and tools that will allow them to navigate an increasingly tech-driven world, and we strive to instill values of character and community that students will embody in our classrooms, at home, and in all facets of their digital life. Knowing that technology can enrich the experience of teaching, learning and living, we aim to provide our students and faculty with the hardware, applications, and skills to support classroom objectives while encouraging life-long inquiry and exploration.
Adopted in December 2017