High School Learning Supports

Grace Church School’s High School Division supports a population of diverse learners, applying mainstream education practices that promote the support of neurodiverse learners inspired by the educational pedagogy principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a framework that is widely supported by local and federal public policy across and applied in general educationspecial education settings, and post-secondary education, with the same goal in mind: To intentionally design engagement opportunities that offer accessible learning to all learners. UDL educators proactively design teaching methodology and assessment practices to celebrate academic excellence through multiple forms. 

Grace Church School High School Learning Supports programming is inextricably tied to and extends to our institutional-wide commitment to equity and inclusion, naming and acknowledging that each learner is a kaleidoscope of both advantaged and disadvantaged identities that can directly or indirectly influence access to equitable programming. Inclusive student support is addressed through several key features of our programming:

List of 5 frequently asked questions.

  • Multimodal means for engagement and assessment

    Teachers strive to provide students multiple means to learn content and practice skills, activating multiple sensory modes to maximize accessibility for a wide range of learning styles. Learning involves an iterative process of assessment and feedback, allowing students to grow as they access and express their learning. Assessments refer to graded assignments or opportunities for students to receive feedback, building students’ comprehension, synthesis, and application of skills and knowledge. Such assessments range from projects, presentations, papers, homework assignments, quizzes, and tests, that promote multisensory means for students to represent their knowledge and celebrate academic excellence.
  • Support for students with documented learning disabilities

    Some students have documentation of a learning disability, such as Section 504s, IEP, IESPs, or a history of school-based and standardized testing accommodations provide documentation to the Office of High School Learning Supports, Attn: Dr. Katherine Cheung (kcheung@gcschool.org). Recommendations are then summarized and disseminated through GraceNet, accessible only by the student’s dean, advisor, and teachers following the professional standards of confidentiality. This documentation serves several purposes: To provide the student with the insight to empower themselves in developing skills for independent learning and leading conversations to shape their identity as learners; To allow teachers the benefit of individualized insights to inform and contribute to productive relationships with a student; To functionally serve as documentation necessary to apply for accommodations standardized testing. (Note: This process is facilitated by the College Office. Decisions are rendered independently by testing organizations.)
  • Access to additional academic support

    Math & Science and Writing Centers are staffed with skilled subject specialists who extend and deepen learning, assisting students with developing their subject understanding outside of a classroom setting. There are two learning specialists who are available before school and during the lunch blocks. Grace Church School also provides in-house standardized testing prep through our College Office, which all students participate in and have access to.
  • Guidance Team

    Our Guidance Team is composed of administrators, school counselors, school nurse, and Director of High School Student Support, to support students in extraordinary circumstances when a student’s needs exceed that which can be met through general practices. In those cases, the Guidance team may make additional recommendations in collaboration with the academic team, students, and families.
  • Course considerations

    World Language requirements: Grace Church School High School’s graduation requirements include 3 full years of World Language Sequence in Spanish, French, or Mandarin and therefore, we do not allow for language waivers. 
© 2022 Grace Church School
Grace Church School is a co-educational independent school in downtown Manhattan, New York City providing instruction for nearly 800 students in Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12.