Each year, families with students in the Senior Class are asked to participate in the Senior Class Gift. This Grace tradition supports two funds whose values are intrinsic to Grace: the Student Support Fund and the Fund for Faculty Enrichment. The total amount raised is shared each year at the Senior Dinner.

Student Support Fund

The Student Support Fund provides for things that go beyond the classroom, enabling every student, regardless of financial constraints, to take part in all that Grace has to offer. Examples of recent needs supported by this fund include: the annual ski trip, international exchange programs, costs associated with tutoring and internships, transportation to college visits, and hearing aids.

The Fund for Faculty Enrichment

The Fund for Faculty Enrichment provides access to travel grants and cultural events, beyond those available through other means of professional development. This fund is an opportunity to show appreciation for Grace’s faculty, while allowing them to enhance their curricula in exciting new ways as they take part in experiences that are professionally and personally rewarding.

Senior Gift FAQs

List of 8 frequently asked questions.

  • What is the Senior Class Gift?

    The Senior Class Gift is a Grace tradition which marks the culmination of the Grace experience and leaves a lasting legacy from the class. Contributions support the Student Support Fund and the Fund for Faculty Enrichment. Every family in the senior class is asked to participate and make a stretch gift, which will look different for everyone.
  • What does the Senior Class Gift support?

    The Senior Class Gift supports the Student Support Fund and the Fund for Faculty Enrichment.

    The Student Support Fund provides for things that go beyond the classroom, enabling every student, regardless of financial constraints, to take part in all that Grace has to offer. Examples of recent needs supported by this fund include: the annual ski trip, international exchange programs, costs associated with tutoring and internships, transportation to college visits, and hearing aids.

    The Fund for Faculty Enrichment, provides access to travel grants and cultural events, beyond those available through other means of professional development. This fund is an opportunity to show our appreciation for Grace’s faculty, while allowing them to enhance their curricula in exciting new ways as they take part in experiences that are professionally and personally rewarding.
  • Is donating to the Senior Class Gift different from donating to the Annual Fund?

    Yes. The Senior Class Gift is a special initiative, separate from the Annual Fund. We hope that you will continue to support the Annual Fund and make a special contribution to the Senior Class Gift, recognizing this milestone in your family’s lives. For more information about the Annual Fund, please click here.  
  • How much should I give?

    We ask that you make Grace a philanthropic priority and support the Senior Class Gift with a special, stretch gift in honor of this milestone in your family’s life. This will look different for everyone. All gifts are appreciated and it takes everyone to reach 100% participation! 

    Many employers offer matching grants which can make any dollar amount go farther. Click here to see if your employer will match your gift.
  • When should I make my gift?

    Giving (or making a pledge) early, allows Grace to maximize the opportunities offered to students and faculty. With that in mind, we ask that you make your gift or pledge as soon as you are able. The total raised will be announced at Senior Dinner; please make your gift or pledge before then so that everyone’s contribution can be celebrated! Note: Pledge payments are due by June 30.
  • I receive financial aid. Will giving to the Senior Class Gift count against me? Wouldn’t my gift just give the school back the money it gives my family?

    Please know that contributing to the Senior Class Gift does not affect financial aid packages. Every family in the senior class is asked to participate in this community effort.
  • How do I make my gift?

    There are many ways to give. To make a pledge or donate online today, please click here. You can also make your gift by check, wire or stock transfer, or give via a Donor Advised Fund. Payments can also be made via monthly/installment giving. For more information, please visit our Ways of Giving page or call the Advancement Office at 212.475.5609.
  • Are donations tax-deductible?

    Yes! Grace Church School is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under the Federal IRS code and all contributions are tax deductible.
© 2022 Grace Church School
Grace Church School is a co-educational independent school in downtown Manhattan, New York City providing instruction for nearly 800 students in Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12.